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Updated May 18, 2018

Gateway is a port that listens on 3300.
It is used to monitor the health of systems in terms of storage, memory and CPU technically.


Status (Killed, Ended, Free... Instance is down)
But on SAP front we need to monitor the process utilization, pending updates, dead locks, system logs, database logs, system dumps, btc failures, RFC failures, Failed spool requests, work load on the system (Users, Reports, Transactions, Programs)


            Monitor the instance specific processes in SM50 and Global Specific Process overview based on status in SM66.

            Monitor the processes with status(reasons) running, hold, stopped, sleep, RFC/ CPIC, PRIV.
Identify the user, time, client, Action.

            If BTC is running for longer times check whether it is permissible as per the process document.

            Dialogue process should not consume more than 1-2 seconds for normal tasks. It will be automatically down (Killed) by system in 600 Seconds. If it is not killed  the process might be occupied by dedicated resource and uses heap memory with status PRIV. The process has to complete the job or Heap Memory should exhaust, so that process comes out. We may need to kill the processes with status PRIV using DPMON, Task Manager or Kill -9 Command on UNIX.

            If more number goes into PRIV we may need to restart the instance.

Refer : select MANDT, Count(*) as Total from DEV.USR02 group by MANDT.

Note : Rdisp/gui_auto_logout = 900 sec

---- Example ---
User pwd forgotten and all the users are locked if SAP* is deleted. It will be created with Password pass. Do not change the status of users in the USR02 Table.

128 - Self Locked
64 Administrator Lock           never becomes 0

SM12  - Select Lock Entries
SM13  - Update requests
SM14  - Update program Administration (Deactivate)
SM36 - To define the Back ground Job
SM37 - JOB monitor
SM21  - System Log
ST22    - ABAP Dumps/ Runtime Error
RZ04   - Maintain Operation Modes
SM63  - Display/ Maintain Operation Mode Set
SP01    - Output controller - Spool

Standard Jobs
- RSBTCDEL - Deletes the batch job logs
- RSSNAPDL - Delete Old ABAP Dumps
- RSPO1041    - Delete Old spool logs and files
- RSMO13002- Delete old update request logs
- RSCOLL00  - Collects performance info in Transaction ST03      
- RSPO1043    - Spool Reorganization.

DPMON - When the user could not login to the system (Experience Hour glass)
Process the list @ OS Level
Provide SR. Number
Provide PID.

SM59  - RFC Destination
SM50  - Process Overview
SM51  - Active SAP Servers
SM66  - Global Work Process overview
WE05  - IDOC List
SMQ1 - QRFC (outbound) queue
SMQ2 - QRFC (Inbound) queue
SM04  - User List.


Market Place > SAP Support Portal > Suserid>

>Downloads > Installation Upgrades
> My Company Components
SAP Solution Manager 7.0

Exports [1 of 4  ]
Kernel, Java Components
> Add to download Basket
Paste in
<SID>\sys\exe\UC      |

Install the download manager


            Each customer provides a standard check list to monitor their systems from time to time.

Eg: BSI (British Standard Institute) requests the consultants to monitor the system on hourly basis.
P&G requests their production systems to be monitored periodically for every 8 Hrs.

Check lists contains the following

            1. Identify the instances which are down i.e. SM51 to list the servers and monitor the instances which are up and running. If any instance is down, we need to report with high priority.

            2. Analyse the reason for failure (Check if the system is scheduled for downtime) If we are authorized start the instance and if it could not be started then look into work directory for logs.

SM50 identifies the process which are long running.

IMPORT ABAP : c:\prog files\sapinst_instdir\erp\system\ora\central\as
Err, Ok, exe.
